Jim Radja's Genealogy Research

Researching CASTERLINE, DILWORTH, FOSSA, FROST, GOULD, GRANIĆ, JONES, LaFAVE, KOVAČEVIĆ, MARASOVIĆ, McCurdy, MILES, QUIRKE, RADJA, RAĐA, SCOTT and SLOMOVITZ. Click on the "Charts" button to take you to the surname charts for the various family lines or click on the "Surnames" button to see our whole listing.

Person Page 2209

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Bertha L. Nesvig (F)
b. 15 September 1884

     Bertha L. Nesvig was born on 15 September 1884.1

Bertha L. Nesvig at age 19 and Anna Fossĺ at age 23 and Lars L. Nesvig at age 17 arrived as immigrants aboard the SS Saxonia (having departed from Liverpool on 8 September) on 17 September 1903 at Boston, Massachusetts. They were on their way to North Dakota; Anna to her brothers Odd and John in Leeds and the Nesvigs to their brother Martinius in Buxton. The Nesvigs were relatives from a neighboring farm in Norway.2,3

Last Edited=7 May 2003


  1. [S179] Anna Fossaa & Lars Nesvig, SS Saxonia Filmed ship manifest, September 18 1903; Volume 131, Line 7; birthdate derived from age on manifest, Roll #66.
  2. [S117] Anna Fossaa Bartleson, biography, ca 2000 Jim Radja Library, page 1, does not mention Bertha Nesvig although she is on the Saxonia manifest.
  3. [S179] Anna Fossaa & Lars Nesvig, SS Saxonia Filmed ship manifest, September 18 1903; Volume 131, Page 217, Roll #66.

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Please provide corrections as needed....
Jim Radja
Vienna, Virginia, US of A

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