Jim Radja's Genealogy Research

Researching CASTERLINE, DILWORTH, FOSSA, FROST, GOULD, GRANIĆ, JONES, LaFAVE, KOVAČEVIĆ, MARASOVIĆ, McCurdy, MILES, QUIRKE, RADJA, RAĐA, SCOTT and SLOMOVITZ. Click on the "Charts" button to take you to the surname charts for the various family lines or click on the "Surnames" button to see our whole listing.

Person Page 41

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Tatjana Rađa (F)
b. 2 April 1969, d. 1 April 2000

Appears on charts:
Descendant Chart for Petar Rađa

Tatjana Rađa in Zagreb 1996
     Tatjana Rađa was born on 2 April 1969, daughter of Ante Rađa and Iva Bucević. She went to college in Split majoring in economics. Left college before graduating in a dispute with a professor. In 1992, at the height of the war for independence, she went to work for the International Rescue Committee in Omiš. She traveled around Bosnia helping in Sarajevo and especially Srebrenica (handing out food, blankets, etc.) Was supposed to wear a Kevlar helmet and flak jacket, but didn't wear the helmet because it 'didn't look good'. Spent time in Bosnia in Croatian and Muslim areas. She used a UN and Croatian passport so she couldn't get into the Serbian areas. In 1996, she started with the Agency for International Development (AID); Office of Disaster Relief in Zagreb. She was heavily involved in aid to Bosnia, traveling there frequently by car as an AID contract administrator. She has had problems with the Mujahadien left from war. The Mujahadien have stirred up the Muslims to be radicalized. The AID office closed down in 1997, so in April 1997 she went to work for the US Embassy. Of the 150 people in the embassy, about half are Croatian. She works in procurement - buys lots of stuff from the US. Suggested 'The Fall of Jugoslavia' by two English journalists as possibly a good book. In the summer of 1998 she's going with some friends sailing the Adriatic for two weeks.1 As of 1998, Tatjana Rađa lived at Hrvoja Macanovicha 25, Zagreb, Hrvatska. She died in an automobile accident near Zagreb on 1 April 2000 at Near Zagreb at age 30. She was buried Ogorje Donje, Dalmatia.2

Last Edited=18 May 2005


  1. [S253] Interview, Tatjana Rađa, 1998.
  2. [S252] Cemetery Marker, Sv Jure Cemetery, Ogorje, Sv Jure Church Cemetery, Ogorje Donje, Dalmatia.

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Jim Radja
Vienna, Virginia, US of A

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