Major Marko Rađa in the Dobobran ca 1944
Marko (Major) Rađa was born on 21 October 1914, son of
Luka (Lukica) Rađa and
Anica Boko.
1 According to Cvita Leskur, half-sister of Marko: Marko and Marija were growing up together. They were planning to get married when they were 15-16 years old. Because of that Luka throws out from his house, his wife Iva Bocina and daughter Marija. They lived outside of Rade for two years, until Marko brought Marija to Rade, and with here also her mother Iva Bocina. They lived together for a year before they got married. They were 16-17 years old.
Marko married
Marija (Dota) Kapetanović, daughter of
Ivan Kapetanović and
Iva Bočina, circa 1932.
1 Bought a horse from Josipa Rade, son of Grga.
2 Serving the army in Subotica (told by grandmother Cvita).
2 Runtic Simun, head of Ogorje Donje gave a confirmation that one horse is owned by Marko Rada Lukina, which was bought from Rade Josip son of Grga, and not from Rade Luka son of Marko, as said by the pleintiff Leskur Cvita, widow of Ivan from Split.
As a domobran (army of the Independent state of Croatia 1941 - 1945) goes to Svilaja, and with the termination of that army he joins the partisans.
2 In November, he visits home after he left for war; he arrived from Izola (Slovenia), thinking that he will find his father alive. But he arrived 10 days late.
2 5 December 1946. He is in Sarajevo, as a captain. The information about it is in his school books (Aleksandar Bek: Volokolamski drum).
8 of May 1949. He is writing from a trip to Trent, he wrote it to son Ivan in Bovec (On the postcard there is a Top point of Tricorno 2864m, village Nalogu, and the sanctuary Madonnina della Milizia).
2 17 of May 1951. Confirmation of receiving some money from "Kmetijska zadruga Krize" (Peasant association).
2 4 of August 1951. From the Ministry of defense there is a note, which says that Captain in V.P. 39063, and that he is going on a vacation, and that it is valid for him and his son Ivan. Confirmation has been issued by Command of garrison in Trzic. The schedule is, traveling from Kriz to Split and back.
2 2nd of October 1952. Kranj (Slovenia). Information from his notebook for literature. In the same notebook there is also homework from calculus till 6 of April 1954.
6 of December 1952. He is writing to his daughter Iva from Kranj (Cankarjeva 19 - the street), he is now a major: "I am very happy that you have enrolled to school and that you have listened to your father. Be good and learn well, you know that you cannot leave home if you don't know how to read and write. Next year you'll visit me and you want have to go back to that village and to being a Shepard.
2 7 of December 1952. He is writing to his son Ivan also from Kranj. He is asking about some documents and saying to come there as soon as possible.
2 21 of July 1953. He is writing to his wife Marija also from Kranj (V.P. 1098).
2 7 of December 1953. He is writing to his wife Marija from Pivka (Slovenia) (V.P. 7640 d/5) - I received letters from Ivan, I sent money and packages. He wrote that some horses have run away and he also wrote about where he is at the moment.
2 14 of March 1954. He is writing to his son Luka from Rijeka (V.P. 640)
He was a commanding officer of garrison in Rijeka, and also in Klana. (according to Ivan Bucin).
2 6 of April 1954. He is still in school - there is a note about calculus.
2 18 of April 1955. He was named a commanding officer for military practice that was to be held on the territory between Muc and Lacevica and Klis. (Commanding officer for all the units).
2 He died on 26 June 1995 at age 80.
1 He was buried
Ogorje Donje, Dalmatia.
3 He Luka Radja note:
21. X. 1914. Roden.
Po riječima Cvite Leskur, Markove polusestre: Marko i Marija odrastaju
zajedno. U dobi 15-16 godina namjeravaju se vjenčati. Lukica zbog toga
tjera svoju zenu Ivu Bočinu i kćer joj Mariju od kuće, koje zive oko
dvije godine izvan Rada, sve dok Marko nije doveo Mariju u Rade, s kojom
stize i njena majka Iva Bočina. Do vjenčanja su godinu dana zivjeli
zajedno. (Imali su 16-17 godina)
1933. Kupio konja od Josipa Rade pk. Grge
1938 (?) - U Subotici devet mjeseci sluzi redoviti vojni rok. (tako baka
Cvita kaze)
10.V.1939. Runtić Simun, glavar Ogorja Donjeg izdaje uvjerenje da je neki
konj vlasnistvo Marka Rade Lukina, kojeg je kupio u Rade Josipa pk. Grge
1933, a ne Rade Luke pk. Marka, kako izjavljuje tuziteljica Leskur Cvita
udova pk. Ivana iz Splita.
1943. Kao domobran odlazi u Svilaju, kad se ovi raspadaju odlazi u
1945. XI. Prvi put nakon odlaska u rat dolazi kući, stize iz Izole (SLO)
ne bi li ziva oca zatekao. No deset dana prekasno.
5.XII.1946, Sarajevo, kapetan. Ti podaci pisu na njegovoj skolskoj knjizi
(Aleksandar Bek: Volokolamski drum).
8.V.1949. Pise sa izleta iz Trenta sinu Ivanu u Bovec. (Na karti je vrh
Tricorno 2864m, naselje Nalogu, te svetiste Madonnina della Milizia).
17.V.1951. Potvrda o primitku nekog novca, pečat "Kmetijska zadruga,
4.VIII.1951. Od Ministarstva obrane ima "Objavu", gdje se spominje da je
kapetan u V.P. 39063, te da putuje na godisnji odmor, koja vazi za njega
i sina mu Ivana. Potvrdu mu izdaje Komanda garnizona Trzić. Putuju iz
Kriza do Splita i natrag.
2.X.1952. Kranj. Ti podaci su na njegovoj biljeznici iz knjizevnosti. U
istoj biljeznici su i zadaće iz matetematike do 6.IV.1954.
6.XII.1952. Pise kćeri Ivi iz Kranja (Cankarjeva 19), kao major: "Puno mi
je drago da si mi se upisala u skolu, i poslusaj svoga tate i gledaj da
budes učila sto bolje. Znades da nemere se od kuće ako ne znas da dobro
čitras i pises. ... Na leto doćes kod mene i ja ću te resiti da vise ne
ides k ovcom."
7.XII.1952. Pise sinu Ivanu iz Kranja, trazi neke dokumente i pise mu da
dode sto prije.
21.VII.1953. Pise zeni Mariji iz Kranja (V.P. 1098)
7.XII.1953. Pise zeni Mariji iz Pivke, Sl. primorje (V.P. 7640 d/5):
"Dobivan od Ivana stalno pismo i saljen mu novaca i paketa, i on mi je
pisa da van je otralo od kuće konja i pisa mi je di je."
14.III.1954. Pise sinu Luki iz Rijeke (V.P. 640)
Bio je komadant riječkog garnizona, takoder je bio zapovjednik u Klani.
(Po kazivanju Ivana Bućina).
6.IV.1954. Jos uvijek se bavi skolom. (Zapis o vadenju korjenovanju u
18.IV.1955. Za izvrsenje vojne vjezbe izmedu Muća, Lećevice i Klisa,
imenovan je komadantom bataljona. (Dakle, komadant svih jedinica u
26. VI. 1995. Umro.