Nikola Malenica has declared that he is 36 years old, single and that he is living
at 10801 Burley Road in Chicago, IL, Cook County. He also stated that he is living
in the United States of America since Oct. 21, 1910 and that he is intending to stay
here permanently. He is working in the company for production of coal, Federal Furnace,
at the south of Chicago, IL, for $180 per month, and has savings of $1,000. He also
stated that he is cousin of Jakov Radja, who is 23 years old, single, living at
Ogorje Donje, Muc, Julske Mletke Italija, and that Jakov Radja expressed his intention
to come to the United States.

Nikola Malenica stated that he has no objections against the arrival of Jakov Radja
in the United States and that he will financially support him. Jakov Radja will live
with him and he won’t become the problem of institutions of the United States. Nikola
Malenica also said that he is willing to send enough money to cover the travel expenses
of Jakov Radja to the United States, and that he will, if it is neccesary, send enough
money for his return back too.

With this statement, Nikola Malenica would like to inform the office of the United States
about his intentions and his relations with Jakov Radja, asking them to grant to
Jakov Radja entry permission into the United States.

Nikola Malenica

signed and sweared in front of me, on Sept. 23, 1920.
Rudolf H. Rompare
Public Notary

Last Updates

Please provide corrections as needed....
Jim Radja
Vienna, Virginia, US of A

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