Sent: Thursday, May 12, 2005 5:45 AM
Subject: Re: Family research
( Based on my investigation in the Croatian State Archives in Zagreb on Apr
29, May 3 and 9, 2005. I spent 17 hours ).
I checked till now:
From Sveti Kriz ( Veliki Varos):
Births: 1828-1895
Weddings: 1828-1857, 1870-1912
Deaths: 1828-1883
From Veliki Varos:
Deaths 1869-1894
Your family:
Tomo Marasovic and Margareta Mian (?) had son :
Nikola ( born about 1765+Sep7,1829); he married with Lukrecija Siriscevic(
about 1786+Jun 15, 1866) Children:
1. Mihovil ( on Sep 29, 1816 + Mar 24,1885 ) married first time on Sep 7,
1843 with Apolonija Arzic ( borni n 1816 to parents Mihovil Arzic and
Madalena, died 1870 ). They had children:
1.1.Marija, on Oct 6,1843
1.2. Antica, on Dec 15, 1846
1.3. Matija, ( female)on Feb 25, 1850
1.4.Nicolo Marino, on Nov 20, 1854. He married on Feb 3, 1883 with Ana
Pastar ( or Pastor). Children:
1.4.1. Frane, 1884+ 1962) he married with Ivanica Bakotic in
1.4.2.Antica, in 1886
1.4.3. Josip, in 1888
1.4.4.Marija, ( 1890+1951) she married twice ( Ante Stipulinic,
Jure Vukusic)
1.4.5.Marin , in 1895; married 1920 with Anka Perisin and in
1952 with Vjekoslava Kovacic
1.5. Spiro ( 1858+1891)
When Apolonija Arzic died, Mihovil married second time on Feb 9, 1873 with
widow Domenica Glavina ( born Jul 5, 1837 to parents Josip Glavina and
Antonija ????) They had child:
1.5. Andrija, on Nov 22, 1873; he married on Mar 2, 1897 with
Iva Prkic( born on Aug 29, 1872 to Mijo Prkic and Anica Sedlar from
Ramljane, parish Zlopolje
2. Gregorio ( on Mar 8, 1825+1891) He married in 1849 with Marija
Markovina( 1826+1858).Children:
2.1.Kata, in 1850
2.2. Ivana, in 1853
2.3. Domenica ( 1854+1864)
When Marija Markovina died, Gregorio married second time in 1859 with Ana
Poduja. Children:
2.4.Lorenzo, in 1860; he married in 1889 with Madalena
Aljinovic. Children:
2.4.1.Ivana, in 1890
2.4.2. Antonia, in 1891
2.4.3. Domenica( 1893+1962)
2.4.4. Ana, in 1894; she married in 1916 with Ante
2.5. Marija, in 1862
2.6. Domenica, ( 1865+1887)
2.7. Tomo 1870+
2.8. Vinko ( about 1870+1887)
2.9. Marko, in 1874
Other families Marasovic:
Antonio and Madalena Bogatovic were married in 1816. Children:
1. Marin ( 1821+ ) married in 1845 with Lucija Pastar ( about 1820+1854).
1.1.Jere( 1845+1846)
1.2.Anton, in 1847; he married in 1877 with Kate katalinic (
1855+ ). Children:
1.2.1.Marija, in 1877
1.2.2.Srecko, in 1880; he married in 1905 with Laura
1.2.3.Vinka, in 1884
1.2.4.Petar, in 1886; he married in 1912 with Marija
1.2.5. Sime, in 1888; he married in 1913 with
Florijana Vucetic
1.2.6. Antonio, in 1891
1.3.Marija, in 1849
1.4. Simon ( 1850+1851)
1.5.Filipa Marija ( 1852+1853)
When Lucija Pastar died, Marin married second time in 1854 with Lucija
Gradelic( born about 1815). Children :
1.6. Jere, in 1855; he married in 1879 with Lucija Druzeic (
1860+ ). Children:
1.6.1.Antica, in 1879+1895
1.6.2.Marija, in 1883
1.6.3. Ivan ( 1885+1888)
1.6.4.Ivan, in 1889+1973
1.6.5.Frane ( fimale), in 1891+1891
1.6.6.Frane ( fimale) 1893+1971
1.6.7. Marin ( 1895+1980), He married in 1922 with Marija Kaliterna
1.7. Frane, in 1857
2. Stipan (1824+ 1875 ), he married in 1850 with Marija Bakotic(
1828+1866). Children:
2.1.Luka Spiro ( 1851+1933)
2.2.Ivan, in 1853; married with Doima Dimic
2.3.Madalena Ana, in 1856
2.4.Fabiano Antonio ( 1859+1936), married in 1892 with Madalena
Aljinovic. Chil:
2.4.1.Antonija ( 1893+1976)
2.5. Sime, in 1860; he married in 1887 with Ivanica Gazda.
2.5.1.Andjelina, in 1888
2.5.2.Ivan, in 1890
2.5.3.Antonija( 1892+1893)
2.5.4.Franja, in 1894; she married in 1920 with
Karlo Krsulovic
2.6. Marija ( 1863+1864)
2.7. marija ( 1864+1866)
2.8. Bartol, in 1866
3. Domenica, in 1830
Ivan ( died before 187O) and Elena Bulic (about 1801+1870)were married in
1826. Children:
1.. Madalena ( 1826+1828)
2.. Mateo, in 1828; he married in 1851 with Ana Borsic ( about 1825+1862).
2.1.Ivanica Tomasina, in 1851+1890
2.2.Jere, in 1853
2.3.Ivan, ( 1855+1884); married in 1882 with Marija Stancic. Children:
2.3.1. Fabiano ( 1884+1884)
2.4. Duima ( 1857+1858)
2.5.Stipe Ivan ( 1859+1861)
2.6. Antonio Marino, 1861
3.. Vinka Matea, in 1830
4.. Tomo, (1832+ 1887); he married in 1871 ith Domenica Drelja Pavazza.
4.1.Ivan( 1872+1872)
4.2.Marino, in 1873+1895
4.3.Ivan, in 1876; he married in 1904 with Ivanica Tudor
4.4.Mate, in 1878
4.5.Vinko, in 1880+1881
4.6.Spiro, in 1881; he married in 1907 with Anka Vuskovic
4.7.Adreana, in 1886
5.. Domenica, in 1835
6.. Ivan, 1838+
7.. Bartola, in 1839
8.. Marija, in 1842+
9.. Marija, in 1843
Mateo ( died before 1846) and Matea Senjanovic ( 1764+1846) had sons:
1.Nikola ( born about 1791+1836) married in 1826 with Kata Brajevic Vujica.
1.1.Vinka, 1828+
1.2.Matea, 1832
1.3.Josip, in 1834, as widower he married in 1880 with Marija
1.4.Marin, 1836+1842
1.4. his twin Nikola, in 1836; he married in 1875 with Antonia
Alujevic( borni n 1839)
2. Ivan ( born about 1791+1853), married*
3. Domenica ( 1797+1879)
4. Lukrecija ( 1798+1877)
5. fra Frane ( 1803+1873)
a.. I believe that this Ivan could be Ivan, husband of Elena Bulic in
family B, in that case C and B family are related
Anton and Marija Vrdoljak were married in 1859. CHildren:
1.. Ana, in 1859
2.. Marino, in 1860; he married in 1884 with Orsola Baric. Children:
2.1. Antonio( 1885+1958)
2.2. Josip, in 1887; he married with Amelia Delmestre in 1910
2.3. Frane, in 1889
2.4. Kata, in 1891
2.5. Pasko, in 1893
2.6. marin, in 1894
When Orsola baric died , Marino married second time in 1896 with Mande
3.. Kate( 1862+1864)
4.. Marko, 1864+
5.. Marko, 1866+
6.. Madalena, in 1867
7.. Nikolo, 1868+
8.. Josip, in 1869
9.. Ivan, in 1871; he married with Ana Fabijanac in 1897
10.. Nikola ( 1873+1954) ; he married in 1906 with Anastazija Seguic(???)
11.. Frane, in 1875+1875
Josip** and Bara Katunaric ( died before 1906)were married in 1865.
1.. Mate, in 1867; he married in 1895 with Jele Bozic; in 1906 with Marija
2.. Domenica, in 1870; she married in 1892 with Dujo Tomas
3.. Duima, in 1872+1872
4.. Bartolomea, in 1873+1933
5.. Spiro, in 1875
6.. Jure, in 1879
7.. Frane, in 1865* ( he is first child)
I belive that this Josip is son of Nikole Marasovica i Kate Braevic, in that
case E and C family are related
Stipan*and Vinka Dimic were married in 1867. Children:
1.Anton, in 1870+1877
2. Josip, in 1873+1873
3. Frane, in 1874; he mrried in 1899 with Mika Paic
* I belive that this Stipan is the same as Stipan from A family ( son of
Anton Marasovic and Madalena Bagatovic); in tha case family A and F are
Simon and Margareta Senjanovic ( 1749+1829) had daughter:
1.. Franjica ( 1788+1828(, husband Ivan Marasovic
Tomo and Ana Blazicevic had son:
1.. Antonio ( 1769+1847)
1.. continue with investigation to find relations between your family and
family D,G and H
2.. when I thought that I finished with Marasovic family yesterday I found
new microfilms from Veliki Varos ( death records). So, I believe that exist
also births and weddings records from that parish in the Archives. You have
to know that is really hard to work with parishes in Split because sometimes
they use name Sv. Kriz, same informations I found in Sv. Petar and now I
think that will be good to work both Veliki Varos. People in the Archives
couldn't give me good service because they have information about Split in
more than 1000 pages. They are confused and they confuse me. I would like
from you to give me free hands to check Veliki Varos and Sv.Petar . My debt
to you now is $ 355.
3.. About your questions: in Siriscevic ( first S nothing, second s and
both c with sing)
Arzic ( for c is OK but I'm not sure for z)
Pastar, Vukusic you writed correct.
Stipulinic without sign on S.
Senjanovic ( not Senjarovic) without sing on S.
About wedding of Mihovil and Apolonija I don't know, maybe they slept before
they married. But I can check that once again. You have to see photos from
my wedding- my son Borna was also there but inside.
About Archives: yes original will be Croatian State Archives but building is
not in Opaticka but on Marulicev trg 21( it is the most beautifull building
in Zagreb). I work there. Source is births, deaths and weddings records from
parishes Sveti Kriz ( or veliki Varos) and Sv. Petar. For Marasovic family I
didn't use Status animarum because they haven't it in the Archives.
Best regards Sanja
Please provide corrections as needed....
Jim Radja
Vienna, Virginia, US of A