Ogorje donje 18 of July 1932.
Dear son and daughter in law!
First, I can tell you that the family is well except me, I am weak and old and cannot wait. I was expecting your letter every day to hear what is with you. I am always saying that I will die and will not hear what is with you. You didn’t write for six months and I am worried and afraid that you are not sick or maybe you are mad at us for something that I don’t know. Write as soon as you receive this letter. Write about how are you, how you live we hear that the life there in north America is not good, that paychecks are low and there are a lot of strikes. Dear son, daughter in law and grandchildren receive a greeting and a hug from your old mother Ivka Radja

Dear brother and sister in law!
Let me write you a few words after couple of months. I was expecting your letter every day but in vain, so this is why I am writing for the second time. I cannot stay calm and I am afraid that you are ill because you would write otherwise. Please write and don’t keep secrets even if everything is not ok. Here thank God we had a lot of rain this year, it is raining now for ten days so we cannot harvest the wheat. The wheat looks good, just for the weather to calm down so we can harvest it. Now receive a greeting, me your brother and uncle Mate Radja

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Please provide corrections as needed....
Jim Radja
Vienna, Virginia, US of A

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