Split 1st of February 1951.
Dear aunt,
First I can tell you that I am well thank God and I wish you the same good health. Dear aunt I can tell you that I received your letter that made me very happy but when I read that you are not well I was very sad. I know that if you were well you would write more often. I hope you will get better. I received in your letter two dollars and I paid a mass for your health (Mother of Sinj). I would pay even more if it would help. Dear aunt please write when you get better because I will wait for your answer. I am afraid for you and your health. And write how you live is it cold there. The winter was not that bad this year. Write about Dolores is she working and where is she working, how are the rest of your kids and uncle. Nothing else to write about but I am sending you a photograph to remember me. Dear aunt I am ashamed to ask you for something because maybe you are also in a bad situation and to write about how we manage I think you know. I am working but it is hard everything I earn is for the food. Now receive greetings from me your nephew Mate Radja.

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Jim Radja
Vienna, Virginia, US of A

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