Kastel Sucurac 11th of December 1960

My dear sister Ivanica
First, let me tell you that I have received your letter and understood everything you wrote in it. I am happy to hear that you are all alive and well. I am just sad to hear that you can’t get up it is bad when you don’t have your life in control. My dear sister I can stand on my legs thank God, even though I am 86, but my dear sister I can’t see very well, I have glasses, but it is not right as when you see with your own eyes. It is bad always when human organism is not good. Health is greatest treasure and we only appreciate it when we loose it. The problem with us is that we are old and old age is a disease. It is hard for everybody to get to very old age; it is all connected to God and how he decided about his/her life.
Now my dear sister let me tell you that I have received your package and the package was ok, you sent it two months ago. All the goods for me, my wife, sons and kids are ok and I wrote to you about it. I wrote about the package but I was expecting a letter and that is why I was worried, and you probably thought that there were some problems with the package. Don’t worry I received everything. Now it is much better no one can steal anything because they check the package at customs and you have to pay for the clearance and nobody can take anything. If somebody would take something from that package, he would end up in prison because the government ordered that it is against the law. That is why this package got to me without problems my dear sister. Though custom charges are expensive, I had to pay 5000 dinars but I thing that what you sent costs more than that.
I have visited Koljanina and told him about your greeting, and he was happy to hear that you remember him. He and his wife said hello to everybody. His wife is from Brac (an island) and she is 50 years old and she receives a pension because she worked for many years, around 37 years and than she got the pension.
My dear sister how are your daughters, their husbands and children and how is your son his wife and kids. Say hello to everybody from me my son daughter in law and their kids.
My dear sister Christmas is coming so we wish everybody good heath, happiness and God’s blessing and that you all feel happy and may Mary Mother with her son give you all that you want. Stay well, happy and marry. I beg you to write more letters because that makes me happy.

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Jim Radja
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