Surprised fiancé

Miss Draga Marasovic, 10732 Ave O, fiancé of Mr. Jakov Radja was pleasantly surprised when she was escorted home by her fiancé on Thursday 11th of this month. She was surrounded by more or less then 50 married ladies and misses who gathered there to present her with gifts and confetti’s.
Preparations for this surprise was done by sisters of Draga Marasovic and the invitations were send by Mrs. Zorka Blegic, wife of our butcher and owner of grocery shop Jure. The rooms were decorated in pink and white colors, and the table where guest were eating was decorated with those colors.
Miss Marasovic received more then a hundred gifts which can be used for house chores, starting from a broom, given by one of the sisters to silk covers of great worth. The unpacking of the gifts lasted almost an hour. Showing of the gifts was followed by jokes from guests and miss Marasovic thanked everybody with kind words. At the end Mrs. John Bakovic, playing a part of judge with two other ladies who represented the fiancés did a mock wedding, which received a lot of laughter.
With a lot of fun and laughter ladies had a good time till late hours and wished good luck to the fiancé on they way home.

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Jim Radja
Vienna, Virginia, US of A

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